Penguin’s Road, developed by Penguin Bros. Inc., published by Penguin Bros. Inc.. This game have is Action, Indie category. Penguin’s Road is a fast and fun 3rd-person action shooter. The player is given an arsenal of weapons and tools to defeat enemies that attack from the land, the sea and the air. Our game rewards improvisation: run-and-gun, cover-to-cover, long aim, short blast, hand-to-hand or commandeering tanks!
Penguin’s Road Trainer Details
Trainer have +8 functions (for all version)(it will be updated soon)
There are currently only 4 features.
F1 Key
F2 Key
F3 Key
F4 Key
Num 1
Num 2
Num 3
Num 4
Unrar rar file and run the game after open the game. Close antivirus program, you can see the virus total result at this link.