ぼくの葬式にようこそ -happy rebirthday-, developed by ひとりサークル「匙投げ部」, published by Waku Waku Games. This game have is Adventure, Indie category. 死後、白黒の世界に迷い込んだ「ぼく」は生前の記憶を取り戻す”旅”に出る。主人公の葬式から始まる、切なくて温かい成長譚。
ぼくの葬式にようこそ -happy rebirthday- Trainer Details
Trainer have a 8+ features and works in all variations of the sport.
Unzip the zip file, run Trainer and open the game. You can open the settings by means of urgent the F7 key. Works in all versions.